December 13, 2020

The Secret History of T. S. Eliot’s Muse

For years, Emily Hale was the object of T. S. Eliot’s longing and the source of his inspiration. Was the loss of their romance a boon […]
December 6, 2020

My Student’s Presentation in Oman- pre 19th and 19th Century American Literature

As an expat, I always liked to share some presentations by my Omani students on my YouTube page. This is the first of the series of […]
September 17, 2020

Signs of a good poem

This article helps a person to improve his/her skill in writing poems based on the criteria the writer suggests. Read more
September 16, 2020

What are Literary Themes and How to Create Literary Themes in Your Writing

This article is a comprehensive guide to the definitions and examples of literary themes and how we can use them in our writing. Read more
September 13, 2020

Can a Sentence Start with ‘And’ or But’?

Do you know that there is no rule against the use of ‘and’ or ‘but’ at the beginning of a sentence? Click on the following link […]
September 11, 2020

Eliot’s Reflection on Poetry

Eliot had recorded several poems before his death in 1965. But on a winter night, before delving into titles including “Preludes” and “La Figlia che Piange,” […]
September 10, 2020

The Confessing Song of Mr Head

This Verse Drama is one of the longest poems in my third collection of poetry “A Louvre of Verse” recently published.  
September 9, 2020


The poem depicts a psychological wasteland, a micro image of what Eliot has depicted in “The Wasteland”.  
September 9, 2020


A short account of Innocence lost!  
September 9, 2020

The Hole

Once upon a time ME in a damned hole…  
September 9, 2020

The Victim

A moment of an academic’s life…