Watching the scene,
Mouth, agape,
Fleet of ships full of birds–
who were strangled young girls
all afraid,
their heads dare not to turn
and their eyes were all ahead
Volume of sounds were high enough
to hear the girls’ voice and cry
It was an absolute human crime
The doors were double-locked
The girls were all deep inside
and anxious but
they didn’t know
what the hell was going on!
It was not drug trafficking
rather, it was human one
it was trafficking human life–
a grave violation of human right
Hundreds of girls fell in the hands
of traffickers–
the brutal ones
NOTOC is doing a lot but
the girls are easily carried in a bunch
Padded cells, the place for some
when they find out they’re sluts
Rules and regulations are all blind
to these girls who are young
carried by ships slyly at night
No one is aware of their petty lives
They’re given to the wealthy unknown–
living in the houses of sandstone
They are then raped by them
Entering new life to gain
some food, clothes or similar pay
Police is giving smug expressions
that they have caught from different nations
Press also prints its smug
But it’s totally faked smug
He was still standing there–
listening to cries, seeing the girls
He was ashamed of humanity
while the ships and girls sailed away
Courtesy of Google pictures
From my second collection Out Inside (in press). Austin Macauley Publishers